How to get 20,000 video views with this YouTube Hack 2018 Tips and Guide

If your video is over 25,000 views you may want to just leave the title alone but that doesn’t stop you from taking some additional steps. I’ll outline them below for everyone:
Title: Optimize your title by using Google suggested search and YouTube suggested search. Type in a few words that someone might type if they were looking for your particular piece of content. Then cross reference a few of those terms in the Google adwords Keyword planner to check for search volume. Simply take the top performing term and add it to the title.
Description: Use the keyword phrase a total of 1% saturation (IE: 3 times if your body copy is 300 words) in your description and try to use it as naturally as possible. Include a couple outbound links to authoritative sites as well to show Google that you’re not just in it for yourself.
Tags: This is the tough part. You’re going to want to search for similar videos in YouTube using YouTube search. Find a few videos with a ton of traffic and look at their keyword tags (you may need a free 3rd party tool like VidIQ). Copy the tags… creatively. You don’t want to copy the same tags in the same order, but if you’ve selected two or three vids to hack then rotate through the tags using the top tag from video 1, the top tag from video 2, and so on. Essentially you’re telling YouTube that your video is related to these other videos.
Annotations: Simple and easy. Add an annotation that links to similar content. For me, I made 2 more videos JUST LIKE THE VIRAL VIDEO and added annotations (links) to those videos from the main video! This potentially increases a viewers watch time which gives your channel more SEO value.
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