What are High Level Languages?

Programming Languages

High Level Programming Languages

            A type of language that is closed to human languages is called “High Level Language”. These languages are easy to understand because instructions in these languages are written in English Like words. For example for input data in program INPUT command and for displaying result PRINT command can be used.

Programs written according to the rules of high level languages are very easy to modify. Error detection and removal process is easy as compared to low level languages. High level languages are further divided into following categories:

·   Procedural Languages: These languages are called 3GL (3rd Generation Languages). In these languages the program is a predefined instruction. Computer executes these instruction in a sequence in which the instructions are written. For Example:

FORTRAN (stands for FORmul TRANslation) used for engineering applications and scientific use

BASIC (stands for Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was created in 1960. It is simple and easy language and used in education purpose to train the students for basic programming concepts.

COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) is specially designed for business applications. Its programs are lengthy but easy to understand, write and maintain.

PASCAL is used to develop both scientific and business applications. Its name was assigned in the honor of a French Mathematician Pascal.

C Language is very popular high level language. It was developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT & T Bell Laboratories in 1972. It is written as a part of UNIX operating system. It is used to write system software as well as application software.

·       Object Oriented Languages: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a technique in which programs are written on the basics of objects. Any think in this world having physical or conceptual existence are called object. An object has some properties (data) and some functions (methods).  These languages are very easy to understand and write programs take a short time. Some examples of object oriented languages are C++ and Java.

C++ Language: It is an object oriented programming language. It was developed in 1980 at Bell Laboratories. It is improved version of C so it is named as C++. It is powerful language with a lot of built-in library function and can be used to develop a variety of software.

JAVA was developed by Sun Microsystems. It is also object oriented programming language. It provides powerful capabilities of networking programming, Internet Applications and Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).

·       Non Procedural Languages: It is also known as 4GL (4th Generation Languages). In these programming languages user only tell the computer “what to do” not “how to do”. Its major advantage is that it can be used by any non-technical user to perform specific tasks. It is based on database applications and report generation.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is most popular database query language. SQL was developed by IBM (International Business Machine).

RPG stands for Report Program Generator. It is also developed by IBM. It is basically used to generate business reports.


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