A Note to People Who Have Never Programmed Before:
More than anyone else, this book was written for you. Starting with assembly language
would not be most people's first choice in a computer language, but it's been done; it can
be done, and it can be done with less agony than you might think. Still, it's a novel aim
for a computer book, and I'd like you to do a little quality control for me and tell me how
I'm doing.

While you're going through this book, ask yourself once in a while: is it working? And if
not, why not?

If I lose you somewhere in the discussion, jot a note in the margin. Tell me where I lost
you. If possible, tell me why. (And saying, "I just don't get it" is perfectly acceptable, as
long as you tell me where in the book you were when you started not to get it.)
As with all my books, I hope to keep this one in print well into the 21st century, revising
it as need be to hone my technique and follow the technology. Telling me how the book
works or doesn't work will, in time, help me make a better book. 

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