Add Google Ads after Post Header in Every Blogger Post

In this tutorial, I will guide you about how to show Google Adsense ads below post titles in blogger. So, without much further ado, let’s start the process.

How to Create Google Ads

  1. Login to your Google Adsense Account.
  2. Under “My Ads” tab, create a new Ad unit
Create new ad unit
Create a new ad unit
  1. Type ad unit name (it can be anything) and choose desired ad size. For better performance choose wide area ad sizes like 300*250 Medium Rectangle or 336*280 Large Rectangle
ad size large rectangle
Select ad size
  1. Customize your Ad Style to match it with your template. Then, click on Save and get code button.
  2. The ads won’t appear if you use that code directly. To use this code within the blogger (xHTML) template, you need to parse it first. Use this HTML Parse Tool to change special characters into their corresponding HTML entities.
parsed adsense code
Copy parsed Adsense code
  1. Now, copy the parsed Adsense code.

Adding Google Adsense in Blogger Below Post Titles

  1. Open your blogger dashboard >> Template.
  2. Backup your current blogger template.
  3. Click on Edit HTML button.
Edit Blogger Template
Press this button
  1. Copy all the template code and paste that into notepad. (to find the below code)
  2. Press Ctrl+F and search for <data:post.body/>. You might find this code more than one time but, you’ve to work with the second one.
  3. Now, place the below code just above <data:post.body/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div style="float:left; margin:10px;">
  1. Now, replace the PLACE YOUR AD CODE HERE with the Parsed Ad Code.
  2. Click on Save Template button.
  3. Done!!

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