How to Get Google Adsense Approval with a New Blog in 2018

How to Get Google Adsense Approval with a New Blog in 2018

But to be honest, I have been in online business since 5years and I have helped various bloggers even from Asia to be accepted in Adsense program even the blog was few days old. The various techniques you can use to get your newly created blog approved in the Adsense are as follows:

Quality is King

One of the things which will remain constant forever is that the quality content will always rule the heart of every one. If your blog contains posts which are informative, unique and provides something new to the readers of your blog, chances are higher that you will be approved in Adsense program even your blog is only one day old. I have seen numerous newbie bloggers who do mistake by copying other blogger’s content and they hope for success and approval from Google Adsense. Also, your posts should be free from spelling mistakes and the grammar should be correct. Newbie bloggers please keep in mind that Google checks every blog post for duplicate content and if it founds duplicate content, the blog who copies that content is penalized in Google algorithm as well. Then, how one can believes that he or she can get Google Adsense approval with a newly created blog made up of copied content.

Length of the Post

Another thing which is important is that the length of the post should be around 500 words or more. Newbie bloggers often create blog posts that have around 200 words. In so much little words, how one can explain the topic, for me it is not possible to describe even the definition of the topic. So, same rule applies to the Adsense approval requirement. If you are looking to get approval from Google Adsense, make sure that you are creating blog posts which are at least 500 words or more and are original. To increase chances of approval, my suggestion is to make unique posts with 1000 words or more.

Top Level Domain

It is one of the main factors which may render your application approved. So, make sure you start your blog with a TLD (top level domain) such as .com,.net. org. If you are working with a free blog services such as Blogger or Weebly, there are strong chances that you will be rejected in the Google Adsense program.

Proper Meta Tags

Every day, Adsense staff receives immense number of applications from new bloggers. It is not an easy task to check each and every blog. So, there are strong chances that your blog would be reviewed by a bot. So, to ensure your chances are strong, always use proper Meta tags in each of your blog posts and homepage. Meta tags are inserted in head tag of the HTML document and contain title and Meta description tag.

Number of Posts

Before going to apply for Adsense account, make sure that you have sufficient number of posts on your blog. A rough estimate and as per my experience in the online business, you must have at least 30 posts of 500 words each on your blog.

Domain Age

I have seen new bloggers buying 06 months old domain in order to get approval from Adsense. This trick does work if used wisely. Make sure, the domain you are going to buy is not in any way was used for spamming purposes. Apart from this, it might possible that Google Adsense has already black listed the domain due to fraudulent activities. So, you can never be accepted for this domain in Adsense. Domains which are parked are not good as Google Adsense normally accepts blogs which are sharing good quality contents for more than six months. The logic behind this is that Google wants quality contents which can only be judged during a passage of time. As 06 month is a sufficient time to judge the performance of the blog, you can go to buy such blog to easily get Google Adsense Approval.

Privacy Policy & Site Structure

This factor is the most neglected one as newbie bloggers just download and install a new theme for their blogs and do not create Privacy Policy Page on their blog. Google specifically requires that as it uses cookies in delivering of the ads on your blog, you need to this fact on your blog. You can generate Google complied privacy policy using any online generator. Just Google it and you will find many helpful resources. Apart from this, you need to remove unnecessary site links or navigation which is not relevant for you and your blog.

I am hopeful that you will like the above post how to get google adsense approval with a new blog. Still, you have any queries or issues, do contact me. Bye!

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