Important Skills needed for good Programming

Programming is an important activity as people life and living depends on the programs one make. Hence while programming one should:

  1. Paying attention to detail: In programming, the details matter. This is a very important skill. A good programmer always analyzes the problem statement very carefully and in detail. You should pay attention to all the aspects of the problem.
  2. Think about the reusability: Whenever you are writing a program, always keep in mind that it could be reused at some other time. Also, try to write in a way that it can be used to solve some other related problem.
  3. Think about user interface: As programmers, we assume that computer users know a lot of things, this is a big mistake. So never assume that the user of your program is computer literate. Always provide an easy to understand and easy to use interface that is self-explanatory.
  4. Understand the fact the computers are stupid: Computers are incredibly stupid. They do exactly what you tell them to do: no more, no less-- unlike human beings. Computers can't think by themselves. In this sense, they differ from human beings.
  5. Comment the code liberally: Always comments the code liberally. The comment statements do not affect the performance of the program as these are ignored by the compiler and do not take any memory in the computer. Comments are used to explain the functioning of the programs. It helps the other programmers as well as the creator of the program to understand the code.

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